英語学童ACCESS レベル別クラスでバイリンガルへ!


USA-USA-USA! (Kamikitazawa)

Today’s theme was America’s 4th of July celebration! We talked about what people like to do to celebrate on th …

Getting Ready for Tanabata (Kamikitazawa)

When is the celebration of t anabata? Is it July 7? That is true for most of Japan. However, Sendai …

Let’s Make a Funny Face (Kamikitazawa)

Let’s make a funny face. That was the art theme this week. “Do you want to make a mouth or eyes?&# …

Design of Signs (Kamikitazawa)

今週のSocial Studiewのテーマは”Design of Signs” 世界にあるサインについて学んだ後、教室を飛び出して近所のサインを見つけに行きました。 どこの国のサインか分かりますで …

Wonderful Stained Glass (Kamikitazawa)

Stained glass is a wonderful thing. Its colorful panels let sun shimmer through. On Monday, we made art in a s …

Marble Run! (Kamikitazawa)

This week we played another fun game! The kids designed a marble track using materials found around the s …

History of Road Signs (Kamikitazawa)

6月のSocial Studiesのテーマは”Signs around Town” 様々なサインについて学んでいきます。 1週目のテーマは”History of Road Signs& …

Sketch It (Kamikitazawa)

Today our plan was to go out to the park to sketch something there. However, nature had other plans, so we bro …

Special Hats (Kamikitazawa)

本日のテーマは”Special Hats” 普段使いの帽子ではなく、特別な場面で使われる帽子について学びました。 日本ではお葬式の際に帽子を被りませんが、Englandでは被る習慣があります。 キ …

Let’s be like Andy Warhol (Kamikitazawa)

Have you heard of Andy Warhol? He was a modern artist who loved using vivid color combinations. Since this art …

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