Welcome to another exciting day here in Cairns!

The weather was beautiful with amazing blue, clear skies and the temperature was pleasant.

Te students started their morning at school getting dropped off by the host families.

Good morning!

I ate a yummy breakfast!

Don’t forget to go to class with you buddy.

Follow me!

During the morning we practiced reading with fluency.

But what is fluency?

The students learned three key points about fluency.

1. Accuracy (reading with few errors)

2. Reading speed (the rate at which a student reads).

3. Presody (the skill of reading aloud with proper intonation, phrasing, and expression).

First the teacher read aloud a sentence from a story.

Next, the students had to repeat and match the teachers voice.

Let’s study together!

Is so great to see our students interacting with their new found friends!

During break time our students asked a friend’s to help them with their homework.

Then it was time for lunch!

It’s a great time for our students to talk freely and practice their speaking skills.

Time to go home.

See you all tomorrow!
