Today, the students and I brainstormed about a story in regards to finding a mysterious key.
We came up with a story together. The students agreed on finding a mysterious key in the grasses of grandma’s garden. The students shared they saw a magic tree house when they used the mysterious key. After brainstorming about this general topic, the students created their own ending.
As a teacher, it felt like an honor and priviledge to be able to see the creativity of the students. I hope to cultivate a classroom environment where the students feel comfortable thinking creatively without feeling judged.
One student shared she saw a talking rabbit and named her Mira. Mira showed her rainbow balloons that had smiley faces. She saw talking animals as she roamed the magical forests of the surroundings of her tree house. The students had an opportunity to draw a picture in accordance with their creative story.
After drawing and writing, the students presented in front of their classmates. At first the students were nervous to present. The students had a wonderful time looking at the different drawings and listening to each other’s creative stories. We laughed and giggled at the humour of the students. We hope to continue to have activities like these where we can have creative opportunities to write stories that the spark the imagination of students.
English Pocket Gotanda