This Monday we also talked to our students about Rainbow Stars.
We talked and shared with them how others around the world are less fortunate than us.
The children were really interested to help the others children around the world.
So we showed them how to donate at school with Rainbow Stars. It helps children understand the that if we have the capability to help we should.
We hope to donate much more to help. We like to thank all the parents and students for anything donated and helping us explain to the students about this great cause.
At the end of the year, various charitable activities like the Red Feather Community Chest and UNICEF fundraising campaigns start. Schools and supermarkets in the US and Canada often have sections for Food Banks where people can donate food. This year, English Pocket is gathering donations from students, parents, teachers, and staff to support House of Joy, a childcare facility in the Philippines.
House of Joy supports children living in conditions very different from those in Japan. They provide shelter, education, and care for kids living without basic necessities. They’ve received recognition as an excellent non-profit organization from the Filipino government and are supported by various institutions.
The fundraising event, ‘Rainbow Stars 2023,’ aims to collect donations from students and parents. They’re encouraged to contribute a comfortable amount, starting from 50 to 500 yen. Each donation earns contributors a colorful star where they can write their name. The fundraising period runs from November 13th to December 16th.
The campaign is inspired by the heartwarming stories shared during a speech by a representative from House of Joy. The talk revealed the challenges faced by the children there, their resilience, and the ways they make the most of what they have. The event highlighted the importance of donations for this cause.
English Pocket hopes to encourage everyone to contribute and make a positive impact on the lives of these children in need.
イングリッシュポケットでは生徒や保護者の皆さん、 講師やスタッフから募金を募り、フィリピンにある子どもの 自立や就学支援を手掛ける児童養護施設、ハウスオブジョイに支援金を送りたいと思います。
フィリピンには日本では想像もつかない生活を送る子ども達がたく さんいます。電気や水道のない家、ゴミ集積場で拾ったゴミを売っ て生活の糧にする、家がなく路上で生活するストリートチルドレン など。ハウスオブジョイでは、政府福祉局の要請を受けて子ども達 を保護し、公教育を受ける環境を整え、支援をしています。フィリピン政府から優良非営利団体NGOとして表彰され、日本の多の大学や教会などがハウスオブジョイを支援しています。
・ 生徒の皆さんは、自分のお金で募金しましょう。 50円~500円くらいで 無理のないようにお願いします。
・ 保護者の皆様も、賛同いただけましたら、ご協力をお願いします。
・ 各スクールに設置した募金箱に現金を入れてください。
★Rainbow Starのもらい方★
・ 募金をしてくださった方は好きな色の星に英語で名前(first name のみ)を書いて、レインボーに貼りつけてください。複数回募金してくださる 方は、2回目以降は違う色の星に名前を書きましょう。
★Rainbow Stars募金の期間★
・ 11月13日(月)から12月16日(土)まで。
TEL: 03-5357-8838