The month of November is usually about fall leaves 🍁, and cooler weather. It also can be about Owls? 🦉 Yes! Of course! Especially, with their beautiful feathers 🪶 that can match the autumn 🍂 season! You can also see them more often in the fall🍁
As for Art, the kids made an Owl of their own! 🦉

Do you want to see the process? 🪶

First, they measured where they needed to cut to make the body, and the eyes of the owl. 🦉

Once they had it cut, it was time to roll! 🧻

After, they finished rolling, they glued on eyes 👀, and wings!

Then, the students put the pieces together. 🪶

And look at what they got! An owl! 🦉

They all came out great! Well done Access student! 🦉🍁
