The Monthly Theme in ACCESS this month is “Rooms in a House”.
Each week, we will be focusing on one room and the things you find inside.
We began by looking at our vocabulary words for the month.
What things are found in what rooms?
Do you have these things in your home?
Then it was time to focus in on the room of the day – the kitchen!
We began by looking at some basic objects found in a kitchen.
Everyone knows what a microwave is. Everyone has a refrigerator.
Let’s look at some truly unique kitchen items.
Wow! Who knew you could use a drill to core a pineapple!?
The pictures were nice, but we really wanted to get our hands on some real items.
These are items you might have in your house.
Do you know what they are used for?
Is it a magnet?
It looks like a magic wand.
Maybe you use it to spread something.
The unique objects had all students fascinated.
Wow! There are so many unique items in our kitchens.
I wonder what room we’ll be looking at next week.